Friday, January 11, 2013

crazy coupon lady

For Christmas this year Andrew made me a coupon book. He knows me too well. He filled it full of all the things I love best and he loves least. Muahaha! I've been enjoying each coupon with great delight. Last night after dinner I got a sugar craving, but we had no sweets in the house. But THEN I realized I had a coupon for this specific dilemma. "A trip to the store anytime for anything" = Voodoo Doughnuts ....

The sprinkle one is mine, the chocolate one is Andrew's, and the bacon maple we shared for breakfast.   Gotta go,  I have more coupons to spend :)
Happy Friday


  1. I especially love the "tickle the armpits (15 seconds)" coupon.

  2. I feel like I really need to see the rest of the coupons.

  3. my favorite coupons are "I'm gonna pop that" and " I want what you have". He's a keeper.
